Terra Talks

Is it really Valentine’s Day next Monday? Are roses and chocolate part of your celebration? 250 million roses are grown annually just for Valentine’s Day. Did you know that nearly all our roses are grown and flown in from Latin America, most often Colombia? This is not only because of warmer climates, but Read more…

Craft Clutter

Dear Terra I’m in a cleaning frenzy and have leftover craft supplies and projects I was always going to get around to but never did! I hate to toss them out but don’t what to do with them. Help! Signed, Crafty Clutterbug Dear Crafty Clutterbug, I feel your pain! Check Read more…

Catalog Conundrum

Dear Terra, Though too late for the past holiday season, I wanted to share something I did last fall: I bet I’m not alone in receiving HUNDREDS of paper catalogs in the mail, especially during the holidays.  I love looking through them, but realized I was seeing the same stuff Read more…

Thoughtful Decorations

Dear Terra, I just dug out my holiday decorations, and got to thinking: Is there a way to be decorative yet Earth Friendly? Your thoughts? Signed, Stepping Up Dear Stepping Up, Rethinking what we did in the past that distracted from real values, then looking for better alternatives is the Read more…

Hectic Holidays? Hints…

Terra Talks Advent has begun! As the often busy, hectic season starts to consume us, consider how you are honoring this time of preparation, while still caring for God’s creation. Are you making your lists and checking them twice? Is Amazon delivering daily? Gift giving is synonymous with Christmas in Read more…

Thanksgiving Thoughts…

Terra Talks… It’s November already and Thanksgiving isn’t far behind! Do you love the extravagance of a groaning table, more food than you can possibly eat, or special treats shipped long distances, justifying it because “It’s Thanksgiving”? Are we willing to look hard, to ask, “Am I more deserving of Read more…