Dear Terra,

     I always forget to say “no straw, please” when eating out, then kick myself when my beverage comes with a plastic straw. Any suggestions?


Dear Forgetful,

     Old habits die hard! It’s difficult to remember before ordering a drink and also does no good to remember afterwards, since we get a straw that has to be tossed even if not used. We can help raise awareness, however.  If there are comment cards, you might write a polite, friendly suggestion that servers ask if you want a straw before automatically popping one in the glass or cup. The management and servers may not even realize that some people don’t want a straw. A quick message to the company website may even have more impact. Remember that a positive, upbeat message will be better received.

     What else can you do? There are collapsible straws that come in a slim metal tube you can clip onto keys, purse, etc. so they are more visible. These are readily available at stores like REI and online. I find that I’m more likely to see it and remember to say “no straw” than if my straw is out in the car!

Lately, I am making fast food kits with a lightweight set of silverware, a straw and cloth napkin. I have several so I can always stick a clean one in my purse after using a set. It can be as elaborate or simple as you want. My current ones are just a cloth napkin with plastic silverware I wash and reuse, and a reusable straw that I tuck inside the folded napkin and secure with a rubber band. You can also purchase kits that often include a set of chop sticks as well.  I sometimes add a reusable baggie to pop a few leftovers in, so I don’t need a to-go box.

     Above all, don’t beat yourself up and just keep trying. The more often you DO remember, the more likely the habit will stick!

Good luck,


Categories: Dear Terra