Dear Terra,
I want to be an activist in the fight around climate change, but I am a chicken when it comes to writing to politicians. Is there a resource I can use that has pre-written, ready-to-sign letters or petitions to express my views? Is it effective to send letters on-line? I care so much but feel too ignorant to matter. Please help!
Talking the Talk
Dear Talking the Talk,
Wow! You’ve opened a huge topic, so I’ll try to bite off a small portion today. First, never underestimate the power of individuals! To begin, educate yourself about current legislation being proposed and how it affects climate change before you make comments on it. Let’s focus our state for now.
Here are my top go-to sites for info on current climate change issues and legislation. Consider signing up for the 350 Spokane Weekly Update or the next Climate Action Zoom Meeting on Oct. 12, to learn more about the issues and what you can do.
Next week, we’ll look at ways to contact your legislators.
League of Women Voters
350 Spokane/Climate Action in Spokane
Climate Solutions/articles about climate issues in our state