Dear Terra,
I just dug out my holiday decorations, and got to thinking: Is there a way to be decorative yet Earth Friendly? Your thoughts?
Signed, Stepping Up
Dear Stepping Up,
Rethinking what we did in the past that distracted from real values, then looking for better alternatives is the first step in making Advent truly meaningful. What about those decorations you’ll probably put up in the next few days? Tempted to buy new ones? Ask, “What is it made of? Does it reduce plastic consumption? Will it stand the test of time? Where is it made? Does it promote instant gratification instead of a living wage and safe working conditions for others? Does it encourage short cuts that degrade the environment in order to produce it cheaply? Was it shipped thousands of miles at a huge carbon cost? Does it truly promote Advent values, or is it just ‘stuff’?”
Here are a few ideas on how to think differently about decorations:
- Borrow some decorations from the tree to fill grandma’s silver bowl.
- Reuse the things you have and perhaps look at them in a new way.
- Fill a favorite vase with evergreens from your yard.
- Encourage family to make snowflakes and angels from recycled paper, string cookie cutters or popcorn.
- Put mirrors under candles or lights to add sparkle.
If you need to replace lights, look for LED and other low energy alternatives.
Please, please avoid Styrofoam and single use plastic wherever possible! Reconsider the “throw aways” and focus on what brings you true and lasting joy!
Thanks for asking, and Merry Christmas!
P.S. Terra will be taking a break to celebrate these HolYdays! Blessings to you and yours.