Terra Talks…

Last week we reviewed the new Plastic Carryout Bag Ban. Today we look at reusable bags and bag alternatives.

The most eco-friendly bag is the one you have! Heavy plastic bags, cloth bags, paper shopping bags can all be used many times. Keep 1-2 lightweight bags tucked in purse or pocket for that quick dash into the store.

A divided tote is perfect for storing bags in the car. Put rolled up bags into 5 sections, with sixth section holding mesh produce bags, bread bags, etc. Just grab the tote and you have the bags you need. Take tote into the house after shopping, so you can refill with empty bags.

Keep forgetting your bags? At checkout, ask clerk to hold your buggy while you run out to get bags. Super inconvenient but you’ll remember next time! Or just put groceries back into buggy unbagged. Transfer into your bags back at the car.

Use draw string produce bags or reuse plastic ones to avoid grabbing a new bag each time. Save plastic bread bags and other bags you get and reuse for produce, meat, anything that needs extra wrapping or skip the bag entirely and just put those apples or broccoli in your cart sans bag.

Save glass jars and other containers to use in the bulk food section instead of grabbing single use bags! Customer service will weigh your container before you shop and mark its tare weight (weight of empty container), which is then deducted from filled weight.

Remember to wash your cloth bags or wipe down heavy plastic ones often. Rinse bread/produce bags and allow to dry completely before reusing. There are even special bag drying racks available on-line!

Keep shopping smart and avoid plastic waste!


Categories: Dear Terra